The memory of cities and invisible cities
Looking at cityscape in Tokyo, I often feel like the city have fallen into memory loss. This feeling has been caused by the following drastic changes; the catastrophic damage by the Great Kanto Earthquake (1923) and the Great Tokyo Air Raid (1945), the reconstructions from them, and too much sudden urban development which had been implemented from the postwar high economic growth period until the latter half of the 1980’s when Japan enjoyed the bubble economy.
And Tokyo still continues changing presently, buildings to be demolished within 50 years after the completion are not rare. On the other hand, facing a vacant lot after buildings were dismantled, we seem not to be able to remember the buildings which there used to be. I think that this indicates not only that the buildings fall into oblivion after their demolition but also that we have not watched them so consciously in the city.
With this idea as momentum, I feel like there is a difference between the common passerby and architects in terms of fields of view for the city, and try to visualize it. I think that invisible cities to be created in this ways will highlight the complexity and the contradiction which the city would originally have and reconstruct the memory of the city.
June 2016